Tuesday 14 May 2013



Opening several weeks ago THE VOICE came in for it's second series
on BBC TV. The premise being that the voice is more important than
anything else and that the four stars as judges can only swing round in their
chairs when the voice they hear us enough for them to join their winning
team. The idea is good.....however....last year after the competitors are
picked the ratings slid, and the final show that toured theatres was cancelled
we assume for lack of tickets being sold.  The main reason for this is
the idea of the voice that is most important disappears, and artists are
gathered together to duet each other off the stage. So much for the voice !
The programme then falls into X-factor revival as the public has to vote
for their favourite.  The four stars then become key to the programme to
a large degree and the contestants fade into the background. There is
a "trendy" feel to the show,also, with not well-known songs chosen and
some Soul-type singing which becomes "switch away" repetative. In
the last show I saw two female singers sang classical harmonies
beautifully and were then given HERO to sing against a young female
singer completely at home with the choice. The two classical female
singers were then dropped missing out a chance of a little light and
shade among the contestants. Can it survive ?

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